Dwarf fortress blocks
Dwarf fortress blocks

dwarf fortress blocks

dwarf fortress blocks

the pond zone must be two or more z-levels above the magma) otherwise only steam will be produced.

dwarf fortress blocks


When dumping water via a pond zone onto magma, the water has to fall free for at least one z-level (i.e. Any tiles containing both water and magma will be replaced with unmined obsidian, generating abundant amounts of steam. Obsidian can be formed by mixing water and magma. Obsidian now has glass-like yield and shear values, which allow rock short swords to slice through skin, leather armor, and wood armor used by elves. Since 40.05 obsidian features more proper yield and shear values, making these weapons much more viable. Previous versions lacked defined yield and shear values and used the defaults from the stone template this rendered them very blunt and unable to cut skin. Obsidian is the only rock that can be used to make stone-based weapons. Note that as obsidian short swords use wood (used in the handle), elves will be offended if you trade obsidian swords, and refuse the trade. If you embark on an obsidian mountain or manage to reach magma before finding metallic ores, these are good at first to defend your fort from early wolf and giant eagle attacks, but weak in comparison to any metal weaponry, being unable to defeat even basic copper armor, so keep that in mind once you start encountering metal-armored invaders. Obsidian can also be made into obsidian short swords with one log at the craftsdwarf's workshop. "Obsidian" is also the twelfth month of the dwarven calendar, covering late Winter. It is also notable in that it has the highest material value among non-ore stones and is also higher in value than some low-value ores like native copper. Obsidian is considered an economic stone by default in order to allow general use at workshops, and in architecture, you must enable "obsidian" in the stocks "Stone" menu. Obsidian is also found surrounding magma pools and volcanoes, exactly 1 tile thick, and has the distinction of being the only stone that can be created during play. Obsidian is one of the types of " stone" (technically volcanic glass) that forms entire layers. ☼MASTERWORK☼ For the month, see Calendar.Remember that if you have stones marked for dumping, they won't be moved by dwarves trying to construct on the site. (You've now got a space below with 2 rocks in it, but it's out of the way.) If you're willing to waste some Z-space, build your rooms or tunnels by channeling, then build floors, The rocks will fall to the level below, and you'll have a nice clean area. But they'll still do most of them, and you can go back and clean up the suspended jobs later. Unfortunately this needs a little bit of micromanagement, as dwarves will suspend a job as blocked if the spot has a stone on top of it which is earmarked for a different floor square. They can be a bit silly about where they get the rocks, but usually they'll take the closest one.īuild floors where your rocks are, out of the same kind of rocks. That way you're also training your siege operator. To clean out a storage room, build a catapult and have it hurl rocks at the wall. Usually I use the quantum storage method, with an atom smasher to clean up the mess, but there are some other tricks:

Dwarf fortress blocks