The controls can also be adjusted by changing the KEY_ type. I found 3 to be the best setting for me, experiment with various values to find your best spot. The numbers themselves can be set to anything you like, but the larger numbers you choose, the less sensitive the turns will become. This cuts down a lot of the over-sensitivity and made the cars respond properly for me. The end values in both STEERLEFT and STEERRIGHT have been changed from 1.00 to 3.00. Open “Control.NTS13Save” file with Notepad++ To adjust the sensitivity of steering :.Goto My Computer- Documents-> Criterion Games-> Need For Speed(TM) Most Wanted-> Save-> 0.Plus, feel the thrill of street racing with steering wheel and peripheral support from a range of manufacturers including Logitech, Thrustmaster and Fanatec.
In order to fix these problems you need to visit the back end of the game software and follow the steps described below Get an unlocked frame rate and experience Need for Speed at 4K resolution, only on PC. I must say that while the Graphic quality and the array of cars in 2012 is impressive, the sensitivity and configuration sucks.

If you have tried playing the game on your PC, you will know that is near damn impossible to steer the cars and there is no option included for changing the controls and steering sensitivity, like there was in the 2005.

Announced on 4 June 2012, during EA’s E3 press conference, Most Wanted is the nineteenth title in the long-running Need for Speed series and was released worldwide for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PlayStation Vita, iOS and Android. NFS Most Wanted 2012 by Criterion is a 2012 racing video game with nonlinear gameplay, developed by Criterion Games and published by Electronic Arts. Project Slayers - Fix NPC Glitch on Mobile (Controls, Interactions)